dewalt tools

dewalt tools review and resource

Sunday, July 09, 2006

dewalt tools ; I Couldn’t Survive Without Them

Regardless of what I need to do around the house or in the workshop there are always DeWalt tools available to help me. Wherever possible I select cordless DeWalt tools as these cause much less fuss as I use them around the house, but even those DeWalt tools that cannot be produced in a cordless version have a place in my workshop.

Probably the most frequently used DeWalt tools in my house aren’t the headline grabbing saws or drills but the screwdriver. How I survived before the advent of the powered screwdriver in the range of DeWalt tools I’m unsure, I have their all purpose kit and it sees me through many jobs around the house. Having said that I couldn’t do without my DeWalt hammer drill or the multitude of DeWalt tools I use while woodworking – from sanders to saws to routers to planers, everything I need is covered by DeWalt tools. Some times I look through my woodworking equipment and wonder whether I should just open up my workshop as a showroom for DeWalt tools! On second thoughts that’s probably not wise as it means I’d have to keep it tidy.

Leaving screwdrivers to one side the main DeWalt tools I’ve used over the past few months have been more specialist pieces while I’ve been working on a new kitchen and bathroom. Well maybe not specialist, maybe I mean specific as these DeWalt tools have specific purposes. They are the self leveling line laser and the wet tile saw. The laser I received as a present from my parents and when I received it, if I’m honest, I didn’t see a real need for it. After all what’s wrong with a pencil and rule? Now having completed fitting the kitchen and bathroom I don’t know how I would have worked without it, it makes fitting so much easier and quicker, it’s probably one of the best presents my parents have ever bought me. The wet tile saw was a different matter, I knew I needed one and the specification for the DeWalt model matched the job I was doing. Cutting stone and porcelain at the best of times is difficult but without a wet tile saw giving the accuracy afforded to DeWalt tools it’s just impossible.

So we now have a new kitchen and bathroom and I can manage all the other projects around the house, thanks in no small part to DeWalt tools. I keep trying to convince my wife that it’s all down to my skill but I think she really knows where the power lies in the workshop!


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